Wednesday 21 August 2013

Should I be a PhD student?

In our first class, we'll talk about whether the PhD is really what we need to be doing with our lives, and if so, what we should make it do for us.

We will also talk about what you need to do as a PhD student, and the rite of passage that culminates in being given the powers to read.

One of the points I emphasize is that PhD is not a status or an ego trip - it is a responsibility. There are many pressing problems in this great continent of ours, and holding the title means that we are distinguishing ourselves as people who can clarify issues. How does that relate to our reading for the week, Marian's The Unwritten rules of PhD research (2010)?


  1. Knowledge is responsibility at all level. It is power to those who acquire it and it is humbling to those who disseminate it. At PhD it assumes a puritanical status - it’s like a license to Kill.
    In Chinese traditions healers was paid for keeping his/her patient/ client healthy. He was allowed to use a rapporteur of knowledge skills and experiences to effect the mandate. However, when his patient fell ill, the healer paid the patient. This is the closest I think of PhD. It is a responsibility that rewards the holder when they serve the society and takes away when the PhD ceases to serve the humanity.

  2. I truly loved the idea that formal meeting with supervisors have to be kept formal.The fact that agenda has to e circulated after agreement; Minutes taken and circulated; and action points deliberated. As a follow up to the reading material, I have two questions, perhaps administrative:

    1. From the discussion and the materials I would love to know what is Daystar's position on "Transfer". If this is the case, at what point then would a PhD student be confident that they now have the registration for the course?

    2. Does the Daystar PhD program encompass an evaluation or Progress Report for those already in the program? In what form does this evaluation take if one is in place and can the student access a copy of this progress report?

    1. Unfortunately I don't have answers to those questions. I will refer them to our sister department and get back to you.


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